Monday, February 18, 2008

Basia Bulat - In The Night

Taken from the album "Oh my darling" released in the US on Feb 5th. More animal costumes (I know, it's becoming a novelty after British Sea Power - Waving Flags). I was in the Grand Canyon, so the animals count as my gift of nature to you (aw!). She was at Bottom of the Hill in SF at the weekend (Oops! I'll try and co-ordinate my posts a little better in future)
Click to buy the MP3 from Amazon

Also, don't forget to check out the Bubbling channel which currently features videos from "Adam Green", "Vincent, Vincent and the villains", "Enjoy Destroy", British Sea Power", "MGMT" and "Shocking Pinks" amongst others

<b> Go to blog for video </b>


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